Indoor Air Quality in Schools
Indoor air quality is often overlooked when it comes to building maintenance. Most schools don’t recognize that coughs, eye irritations, headaches, allergic reactions, and other symptoms can indicate serious deficiencies. Promptly addressing these is vital for the health and safety of students and staff. At Raleigh Heating & Air, our teams can help you identify your HVAC systems’ deficiencies and apply the solutions that will have your school breathing easier from now through graduation day.
Contact Raleigh Heating & Air at (919) 890-7789 for more information about the signs your school has an indoor air quality problem we can resolve.
Benefits of Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Raleigh, NC Area Schools
From early in the morning to mid-afternoon, kids and teachers spend most of their day inside the building. Those hours must be spent learning and studying, and not struggling to breathe. Improving indoor air quality helps students focus and remain alert throughout the day. It also helps slow the spread of viruses and bacteria, which improves students’ and teachers’ overall health—this results in fewer sick days, reduced healthcare expenses, improved test scores, and much more.
Contact Raleigh Heating & Air at (919) 890-7789 for more information about the benefits of improving the indoor air quality within your building.
Comprehensive Checklist for Healthy Indoor Air Quality in the Classroom
Improving indoor air quality is an investment that will generate positive returns year after year. To that end, the following are suggestions we strongly recommend to the Wake County Public School System and school districts throughout the region.
- Install Air Purifiers. These will remove dust, pollutants, and allergens from the air. They will also capture and neutralize a significant number of bacteria and viruses.
- Maintain the Ventilation System. Pollen, mold, and other toxins can accumulate within poorly maintained ventilation systems. Moreover, damaged systems won’t properly circulate air through the building.
- Replace Chalkboards with Whiteboards and Electronic Boards. This will eliminate chalkdust altogether.
- Seal the Leaks. Make sure that all windows, doors, skylights, and other openings are properly sealed using weatherstripping, caulk, and other sealants. This will not only improve indoor air quality; it will also reduce your monthly utility bills.
- Put Down Some Roots. Placing potted plants in classrooms can dramatically reduce the number of toxins in the air. Spider plants, aloe vera, snake plants, weeping figs, and many others are highly effective natural air cleaners.
- Remove Toxins. Make sure that harmful building materials are promptly removed and that any chemical cleaning agents, fuels, etc., are properly sealed and stored.
- Maintain the HVAC System. Make sure that your furnace, air conditioner, and other HVAC systems are in working condition and free of potentially hazardous malfunctions.
Contact Raleigh Heating & Air at (919) 890-7789 for more information about the steps you can take to improve the indoor air quality within your school.
Choose Raleigh Heating & Air for Superior Indoor Air Quality
Schools in Raleigh, NC can depend on our teams for fast and efficient service. Whether it’s a broken air conditioner or a malfunctioning furnace, our highly trained, certified, and fully insured technicians are always ready to help. For more than 20 years, our teams have provided superior service and quality workmanship to clients throughout the region. We are always happy to answer your questions and help you identify the best solution for your needs. Day or night, we’re happy to take your call.
Contact Raleigh Heating & Air at (919) 890-7789 for more information about our company and the many reasons homeowners, businesses, and government entities trust us with their HVAC needs.