What’s the point of a maintenance plan if you’re not going to get a few perks out of it as well? Sure, maintenance is absolutely...
Let’s talk about condensate drains. Many people who schedule air conditioning repair in Cary, NC don’t know that their air conditioning unit also functions as...
If you don’t know what refrigerant is or what function it serves in your home cooling system, then you may not understand just why the...
Well, yeah. I call to have my air conditioner repaired when it stops working. Not really a tough question, if you ask me? Well, not...
NEVER. N.E.V.E.R. Never. Think we’re stressing that word too much? Think again. The fact of the matter is that skipping routine air conditioning maintenance, even once, is...
We understand the logic that can lead to confusion in regards to your AC coil freezing over. After all, it is an air conditioner, right?...
After how hot and uncomfortable it can be around here during the cooling season, we totally understand that you may be ready to move on...
Huh, that’s weird. The AC is leaking water. I didn’t even know that it held water! I’ll just try to find the leak myself and...
Interior, living room. A sunny day. Joe and Susan Homeowner are sweating, waiting for the AC to start up. Joe: Any minute, now. I’m sure of it....